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My future Job

Today's post will be about your career expectations. Try to answer these questions as you plan your writing:
  • What kind of job would you like to have? How do you imagine it? 
  • Outddoors/indoors?
  • What about the salary?
  • What major are you studying/are you thinking of taking?
  • Add any other related ideas.
As always, include comments on three of your classmates' posts plus a comment on mine too. Try not to write less than 210 words.

Teaching while doing Uber
I'm considering the possibility of furthering my studies in linguistics. Surely I must have said something about this before. Though I could continue working as I am doing it now, taking into account that I am already in a very good position, there is still/always a need to  have a much deeper understanding of how and why something works in my professional field. That is to say, you never end up completely satisfied with what you do. You always find a 'but' in the way. Do not misread me. This is not a bad thing at all. On the contrary, as our experience and scientific knowledge grows in teaching, some principles and methods that may be right now will inevitably have to go along with the big changes. If they are still 'right', off we go with them then; if not, why keeping them? 
We cannot deny the fact that everything around us is changing, especially due to technology and its socio-political effects. So if teachers were still considered necessary in an ever-changing future system, we would have to be able to 'learn, unlearn, and relearn' things very fast (Alvin Toffler).
So, in this ever-changing world, I'd like to gain more stability and respect in my job. I know this sounds sort of utopian, having in mind the poor condition of public education in Chile. But I really don't understand why teachers are seen and treated as non-professionals. Do you know what I mean? Diminished. Once I read somewhere that teachers in Germany are paid comparably well to other professionals. That should mean something to us. I wouldn't like to see a highly-qualified teacher doing uber part time.


  1. the situation of chilean education is really sad. As a country, we live waiting for the change in the system that could finish the current state of things, in which one of the their principal tasks is bring back the dignity to the teaching staff

  2. The best history professor I taught me is working as mailman. The social inequality in Chile is reflected in recognition of their professionals.

  3. It is so sad and real :( But every day we will fight for good professionals, 'couse teachers, in every grade, are forming the future of humanity. If we are willing to leave our children in your hands, we have to appreciate too you primordial rol in society. This fight is not just for you, but for all us and the future we are trying to build.

  4. im agree with you with that thing of the perception of the teachers in chile, i mean, the teachers have a lot of job when are into a school for example, be able to make a class to 45 persons or create a real interest in the content of the class sounds very difficult you know, i think that we have a very big debt with the teachers as chilean society

  5. I agree with both of you, the teacher's situation in Chile is really bad, I think that their job is really important and the society doesnt' values it.

  6. In this country, in countless times some professionals are underestimate for it they do. When in fact, if they didn't exist, we wouldn't be what everyone is now. So, I just have to say, tha it's impressive the work what you do.

  7. I completely agree with you! It is a really sad topic and one that generates impotence. I hope that one day you will be given the value and respect that corresponds to the job of a teacher.

  8. Well is unfair the way that teachers are treated and even worst how low some of them are view because the subjetc they teach is "less important than others". I 've heard people (parents, students) devalue certain subjetcs because its lack of importance for kids development. And is sad how low value the work -a lot of work every week- of teachers in general is. I hope this will change soon.

  9. I agree, I come from a family of teachers and in reality in Chile the conditions and the payment do not measure up to the importance of this profession.


  10. I agree with your opinion! it is a pity that in Chile education is not valued. Chile is historically due to the teachers!

  11. don't let you down, andrés. you're the best teacher of english that I haved in my life!!! (give me an A+ for the comment ahaha). regards


  12. I have always thought that teachers should be more valued. If I want to be a doctor, who will teach me? A teacher. If I want to be an engineer, who will teach me? A teacher. If I want to be a Journalist, who will teach me? A teacher. Then the teachers are the most important! They are the basis of teaching.

  13. teacher, if you will work in uber, I would take your car, it would be funny (in the good sense of the word jaja)

  14. i'm disagree with you because i think that computers never can be better that a human, because it haven't emotions and it is important for teaching. So don't let you down

  15. My dad is a teacher, I have always had great respect for those who practice that profession with passion, you are a great teacher! the best I have had in English.

    And I find you very right, in Chile this work is not valued and is the base of society.

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