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Changes to my Study Programme

Almost there! This is gonna be our penultimate blog post. You have to write about some changes that could be made to your study programme. Keep in mind as you write:
  • The curriculum (The subjects you have to study)
  • Workload and length of studies
  • Faculty facilities (buildings and infrastructure)
  • Use of technology
  • Teaching methods
  • Or any other ideas you deem necessary
A quality post should have no less than 250 words this time. And remember to leave comments on three of your classmates posts and one on mine too.

3D-printed Jesus, I'm lonely! (A Dissapointing Rhetoric Post)
Back in the day, I would have liked to be much more prepared to face my study programme. I think I would have had a thoroughly different attitude towards what I studied; my teachers/professors; and, obviously, my classmates.  However, I feel the need to say that I am thankful for what I got because I wouldn't be most certainly the person I am now without it. You know that there's always something to complain about or someone to blame for. But before we do so, let's consider the following:

Education has to be taken in a comprehensive way. That is to say, there should be a considerable number of  people taking an active role in it -and by active role I also mean being responsible for it. But we have forgotten something important: education is what we give ourselves to bring up a more cohesive society. Therefore, we should be concerned with what quality education should really mean to every one. I dare say this is key to understand why we, as teachers, parents, and stakeholders, have failed. We haven't brought to the foreground what really should matter: people. Yes! People. We have focused on people's wallets instead. So, why should we care about having a better education if we are just thinking of it as if it were a car we can buy?
We have given ourselves meaningless education: too many subjects, never-ending dull hours in class, buildings in a poor state of repair, teachers that do not meet standards, and so on. So, yes, I would have liked to be much more prepared to face my study programme... and this living in the end. I then say "big changes can also make big differences". 3D-printed Jesus, I'm lonely!
P.D. I had a different idea for this post, but I think I let myself be carried away.


  1. i agree with you with that idea of the meaningless education, i have the same feelings of not being prepared to face university when i start to study, but with time you realize that the different resources of education in your life (not necesarry througth the educational siystem) may help in differents context.

  2. I know that you feel bro. When I was a teenager (hundred years ago) lived how it feels when you are a pasive actor in the educational system. I can give you some hope: you're a really good (god haha) teacher, and you force me to be an active actor in the classes. Little by little I have caught the taste of this methodology. Take care!!

  3. The meaningless education is relationated with the burnout society. In the burnout society we can always render and produce because the opression is inside us and in the structure. Education with meaningless works as opression tool

  4. I really agree with you! Bu I think it's really difficult to ask the teachers to be more concernd about the students if anybody cares about them. I think that the change need to be in an estructural level.


  5. Wow! if only I could return the time, I would not have lost years studying other careers. Although the truth, I do not regret anything. Opportunities in life begin in the present.


  6. It is necessary many times to listen to the students' voice to know what is failing the education. As the Puma Rodriguez says: "we must listen to the voice of the people"! what good reference hahahaha

  7. Is weird because we -as students- are supposedly being prepare to afford the future, here in the University and back then in elementary and high school, the problem is there a lot of people who don’t feel prepare -no matter how much they study- and others who don´t care to be prepare at all. And that is a mayor problem which include our whole country and society to be involved for solve it.

  8. I completely agree! We must appreciate education as what it really is and not see it only as an instrument

  9. I agree with you with the idea you propose. After reading this, I start thinking about how lucky I was to study, maybe it is not in the best conditions, but here I am and it is what it is worth. I also think that I would have liked to be more prepared, more mature, take a little more each class and each teacher, instead of focusing on other things, but well, there is not much I can do, just change for the future.

  10. stupid money and capitalism, it ruined it all. But, not all is that bad, i think that with hard work we can build a meaningful education

  11. I think the same, the individualism of the system forgets that education is a social process!!!


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