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A country I'd like to visit

Write about the country you'd like to visit. Include at least any of these points:
  • explain why you'd like to do it (work/studies/holiday trip)
  • describe activities you'd like to do there
  • disseminate some useful information you deem worth sharing with others. 
Don't forget to:
  • add pictures.
  • make comments on three of your classmates' posts and mine as well.
  • use no less than 160 words.

Studying in England

Since I finished my MA degree, there's at least one thing that can't get out of my head now, which is furthering my studies abroad. 
Of the top-notch universities in the world, around four or five of them are in the United Kingdom. This is no surprise at all as they have always been ranked among the ten best ones year after year. The last list for 2019 includes University College London (10), Imperial College London (8), University of Cambridge (6), and University of Oxford (5). Additionally, the UK is number two among the twenty largest recruiters of international students, which may also imply that they are experienced and well-prepared to welcome people from different cultural backgrounds. In this regard, London has been addressed as one of the world's most cosmopolitan cities, which is home to more than 270 nationalities. So, If there is one country I'd like to choose to embark on a life-changing experience, that will be England. No doubt I will never be the same on my return. I just fancy myself ending up as a Quidditch expert! 


  1. England is a country very interesting in the History and is very beautiful, the education in this country is very high quality i investigate about doctorates of economics in the London School of Economics and is a very good evaluated in the world, is a excellent option for study in anyone domain. Good luck in this dream!

  2. That's amazing teacher, being a traveller and a student in a cosmopolitan country can be a very powerful experience, full of surprises and learnings. I hope you travel to U.K. soon!

  3. hello teacher, i think that the universities are well prepared to welcome people of different countrys are a very interesting and god thing, i hope that one day you could visit the UK.

  4. It Great post! I sure that You will be Quidditch expert!

  5. I think you would be a nice Guardian, bless jaja

  6. Wow!! if you are in London, I will visit you to see Freddy Mercury's resting place (and to learn a lot of english, of course...)

  7. I had no idea about this information. I like to learn a little more, greetings!


  8. WHOA!! 270 different nationalities!!. What about racism in England? :O

  9. I expect that you can do this trip soon, it sounds really interesting. I really hope you became a quidditch expert some day!

  10. Well I hope you would get to study in such a university and more important, becomes a expert in the marvelous sport of the brooms too. Good luck.


  11. Some friends were last semester to study in england and they told me that they were delighted with the country and its people, also took advantage of knowing France and Belgium. I would like to go to England to go to the station 9 3/4 and the Madame Tussauds but I do not know whether to stay a stay, I prefer the countries of the south more towards east or Nordic.

  12. England also attracts my attention! It would be interesting to do postgraduate studies there. Good luck!

  13. That is very cool! I hope you can also visit some Harry Potter locations on your trip c:

  14. I hope you can visit UK!!! it's a nice idea, I want to visit Uk too.


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