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Are You Into Social Media?

Yep, today we have a sort of universal theme that anyone can relate to in some way. Don't tell me that you have no idea about what social media/networks are.

The idea is you write about:
  • your favourite social media platform(s)/site(s).
  • how often you check your social media/why?
  • your opinion about them.
  • statistics you deem worth mentioning.
  • any interesting ideas you consider worth sharing with your classmates and the world.
Remember to leave comments on three of your classmates' blogs and mine too, please. And a quality composition should be in no less than 180 words this time.

Make the world great (for us) time and again

I'm gonna be brutally honest with you. I'm not the sort of person who desperately checks his latest Facebook notifications, replies Whatsapp messages in the loo, gives his opinions on the most important up-to-date events and matters on Twitter, or uploads private pictures on Instagram. I just simply don't see why I should do it. I remember when I was first told that having a Facebook account was something that I was not supposed to miss at all. And you know what. I just missed it. As simple as that. Nothing really bad happened to me. I guess...
Anyway, I don't see a good reason why I should even do it now, having in mind how your private information -shared freely on the net- is used to manipulate people into what the ministry of truth wants you to believe. You might remember the scandal of Facebook-Cambridge Analytica and Trump's presidential campaign.  It's now known how Trump was able to convey exactly what people wanted to hear, as it was revealed that his political campaign was based on millions of Facebook profiles, compiled by the giant tech company to target and influence American voters. Nothing more than Hitler's dream to be adored:

"I've always believed in our return to power. You said I was mad.
I've always believed in an end to poverty! You said that was utopian!
Who was right? You or me?! It was my calling." 

Either in a good or bad way, there is so much to be said in regard to how social media affect us. So, I believe that there are certain things that must not be addressed lightly and deserve more than our getting-sidetracked-easily attitude.
I just wanted to share with you one of the main concerns I have about social media. What do you think? Do you have a different experience to be shared with the rest?


  1. At least once a year gives me I get a "disappearance" attack and I delete my facebook account and I delete whatssap from my cell phone, and it's true, nothing bad happens hahahahaha

    (Today I have problems to attend the class, but I send my video and I have ready my post on the blog)

  2. Master. I love this post. I think similar than you, bro. Actually i've fallen down in social networks but I have been out of there last year and I would like get out soon. Do that gives you a lot of free time and relationships with the people becomes less superficia

  3. Ahahaha, Teacher, do you actually have any social media where we can stalking ("psicopatear") you? (it's only a joke).

    Take care!! :D

  4. I agree in you personal opinion, it true that through social networks you can get a lot of personal opinion. I remember that when you sent us the first email for u-cursos. I searched you profile in Facebook jajaja. Now I know the cause of the not I have success.

  5. Magnificent post!! I think social media have provoked a social ill, probably the biggest social ill to XXI century. Actually, I feel dependent of social media and I want to change that. i think i'm not the only one

  6. hi, i think that your opinion of the social media is very accurate, because is truth that the algorithms that use facebook, or instagram or any social media can be handled to be a form of social control.


  7. What an interesting reflection, it is impressive how social networks invade the planet and can become a form of domination.

  8. It's so true, but i really enjoy spending time in social media :( although I really try not publish anything too personal, because i think is weird. But I think that sometime i will need to stop using it.

  9. I strongly agree on the importance of social networks and the good use that should be given. You have to be responsible when using them!

  10. I agree, but I don't care much about the information they can get from my social media because banks and other institutions also share my private information. So there's really no way to protect yourself.

  11. Well there are a lot of social media now days so maybe you just haven't found the one for you yet?? I am not the greatest fan of social media neither, so I can understands you.

  12. I think that is very difficult exit of the control, because the internet and social network don't the unique form of control, also when you give your rut in the supermarket or your credit card, but the social network has make it more easy

  13. I agree with your opinion on social networks. I think that, like all things, they can be used in good things, as well as in bad things. It is clear that in some way we are exposed to the world and that there is private information that shouldn't be shared, but the same people many times don't measure the risk they may have when sharing so much information. But finally, personally, I use them to share "memes" haha

  14. social media are double edge weapons, we must use it wisely

  15. I think that social networks can serve to socialize knowledge, but in personal relationships they have paradoxically impoverished contacts :( :(


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