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Giving Opinions

Hello, everyone! This time, you will have the chance to give your opinion on any particular subject you deem worth writing about. Watch out! Do not to write a never-ending manifesto. Try to share your view on any topical issue in no less than 240 words

Topical issues:
  • Trump's wall
  • migrant caravan
  • Far-right in South-America
  • Venezuela's political collapse
  • Abortion
  • Feminist movement
  • Public transport
  • Catrillanca's case
  • surveillance technology
  • The end of cash
  • too much plastic

You should:

  • provide context for your argument.
  • give examples.
  • describe cases.
  • give facts.
  • cite sources.


  • provide any other way to sustain your argument. Check out:

Remember to leave a comment on three of your classmates' posts and another one on mine as well.

People’s Access to their Free Will

No doubt abortion is one of the most controversial issues to discuss in any democratic country. It has always been a matter of great concern for at least two markedly political groups. On the one hand, the pro-life people who consider abortion a human rights violation -usually addressed as a “war against the child”; and, on the other, the pro-choice people who claim that restricted access to abortion also, in turn, violates women’s human rights. 

Definitely, this issue can be debated following multiple trains of thought. Though this topic deserves further analysis in terms of its ideological, philosophical and scientific bases, I do believe that political action must exercised. Chile was, until this very year, one of the few countries where abortion was thoroughly illegal. There is then so much for us to do about it, as lack of deep understanding of this public health issue holds us up to guarantee people's well-being. To me, as a Chilean liberal and advocate of a secular state, this is unacceptable. 

I do not believe in God. I believe that knowledge and moral principles are culturally embedded, so they depend on what people consider acceptable in society by mutual agreement. I also believe that any secular and democratic state must guarantee people’s liberties, so if I don’t share any religious principles, why should I be forced to follow something that I don’t believe in? 

I don’t personally support postmodernist principles or ethical relativism (see Lipovetsky, 1983). Setting the parameter debate over whether you believe in God or not appears to be inadequate or not very sophisticated. 

Because of the government’s decision to continuously dodge the implementation of abortion in Chile, there is  a need to keep the debate going on what a secular and democratic state should be to guarantee people’s access to their free will.


  1. The situation of abortion in Chile and the continent is unacceptable, ONU Women has made comments to Chile for the constant violation of human rights of girls, adolescents and women in our country. I am very touched by the issue because I had an abortion at the age of 21 and almost died of an infection, surviving an abortion is a privilege of class in Chile. Today I am a mother by choice is that I believe more than ever that in our country should have a free abortion law!

  2. I think that abortion in Chile is a situation that is realized in spite of be illegal! Is very important that We society was educate about this issue, because according figures of ONU the situation of abortion in the world were increase years after years!

  3. it's a very urgent topic in our country and Latin America. I think that 3 causals abortion law in Chile is not enough.

  4. Besides the religion view there is a lot of ideas around internet and people in general about abortion which are pretty funny and disgusting too like the think that with a legalization it will generate some kind of debauchery and women will go for an intervention everyweek. Doesn't seems to be much common sense when this is the topic.

  5. i agree with your opinions, i think that the state must provide opportunity to decide to the people, don't impose a religious view about the things like a huntement of witch

  6. Like my colleagues, I agree with their opinion, but, at least here in Chile, I find it difficult for abortion in any case to be applied soon.

  7. I consider that among all the struggles that can be fought in this area, one of the main tasks as professionals of the social sciences, is the creation of instances of participation for the people in our communes and in our neighborhoods. I think we should be creative so that people from different communities can reflect and discuss these debates ....

  8. I know a lot of womens that haved to make an abortion by themselves taking a lot of pills or others many risky ways. I think that the abortion discuss is an urgent matter to talk like society. We cannot continue invisibilizating the issue, or being conform with the actual state of abortion in Chile

  9. Since the UN have already sent statements that Chile should approve free abortion, I think it is not a subject for discussion because, in developed countries has already been approved and has not generated any social problem of relevance. To think that free abortion will allow demoralizing society to meet is an inconsistent moral-religious excuse. Free abortion would reduce vital risks, in addition to psychosocial risks. two weeks ago I learned of the case of a young woman who was prevented from having an abortion due to legal and moral bureaucratic issues and ended up aborting naturally in her home and after that I am left with a shock emotional, now they have her in court for seeing a fetus killed and the Young did not have support from anyone other than feminist networks. A 20-year-old girl with a strong vital and psychological trauma who must now live a frivolous trial. If abortion were free and legal, all these situations would be avoided.


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