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What's your favourite TV show/movie?

As we previously agreed in class, this time we will be writing about our favourite TV show(s)/ movie(s).
Before you write, try to think about the following:
  • why you like that TV show / movie (personal review)
  • What it is about(storyline)
  • credits (cast/director/photography)
  • favourite episode/scene
  • favourite actor's line
  • any detail you deem worth sharing.

Leave comments on three of your classmates' blog posts and one on mine too. A quality post should have no less than 300 words. 

The beauty of (paying attention to) simple things

About two years ago, I was really depressed. I had to get over a relationship breakup, deal with shitty jobs, and sort out my MA thesis report. Ergo, I was going nowhere. I felt like a lost-and-found office deep inside -finding comfort in my friends was not really an option for me, as I was very ashamed of not being capable of solving my own problems (vicious circle), so I didn´t want to talk to anyone about my misery. The only thing I had in mind at that time was to find myself by myself ASAP -not a very good idea at all! I started going for long walks at nights to watch people's faces and see the city lights melting away time and time again. I remember going to bookshops and compulsively buying lots of books. I read them at any place and anytime. As a result of this, I didn't have any schedule at all. I usually went to bed at 6:00am and got up at 7:00am. In the middle of one of those productive nights, I came across a TV show that would become a life-changing experience forever: Breaking Bad.
Okay, that's sort of trying to get better by listening to Pink Floyd's The Wall or Radiohead's OK Computer -very easy-going!
Breaking bad is the story of Walter White, an ordinary American man, and his journey to the dark side.  After a series of unfortunate events -terminal lung cancer, no health coverage, a frustrating teaching job and his wife pregnancy, he decided to become a crystal-meth cook, a drug dealer, and save the day:

"Gus: What does a man do, Walter? A man provides for his family. Walt: This cost me my family! Gus: When you have children, you always have family, they will always be your priority, your responsibility. And a man… a man provides. And he does it even when he’s not appreciated, or respected, or even loved, he simply bears up, and he does it, because he’s a man."


Breaking bad is a highly addictive TV series. I remember watching a whole season in a row without sleeping. The reason why I love it is that everything in it is just perfect. Nothing could have been done in a much better way. It's a highly brain-stimulating show. The dialogues are extreamly philosophical, addressing many socially-entangled phenomena, such as the decay of the American dream, personal and social detachment, and many-many topical issues.  
My favourite dialogue is the one in which Jesse and Jane talk about the pleasure of doing things more than once: The beauty of (paying attention to) simple things.


  1. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  2. Its a nice review teacher, you definitely love Breaking Bad. Have you seen Better Call Saul yet?

  3. I haven't seen this serie, maybe I would must see it

  4. i think that socialize our pain with other people can bring us a subjective relief of the pain that we are going through, is a god way to assume that we can be vulnerable in some episodes of our life, anyways, i think breaking bad is a masterpiece of our times

  5. Hi teacher, great post! The Breaking bad is a very addictive series, I also saw it and I liked it a lot

  6. Few times in my life I've seen the end of the series as good as Breaking Bad. There is a video on YouTube that deals with the possibility that this ending may actually happen ...

  7. I haven't seen the series, but I imagine how important it must be for you, especially the moment you started watching it!

  8. Yeah Breaking Bad is one in a million. I shared your love for this show and also I have to say I learned a lot of interesting things seeing this.

  9. I know it's a really controversial opinion, but I didn't like this TV show because a thought is was very heave, and I like to watch TV to distract me.

  10. my friends always tell me to see Breaking Bad and when reading your post I think I convinced myself haha.

  11. It is a great series. I also see it and I love it!

  12. Isn't fair hahaha you choose the best series ever. (Spoiler alert). I suffered a lot with the Jane's death :'(

  13. Breaking bad is one of the best series of life! Right at this moment I'm seeing it for a second chance! In this moment, I going to seeing when W.W know a Saul!

  14. Andrés, I love you. Breaking bad is my favorite tv show!!!! I saw this serie this summer (yes, 10 years later)... What was your favorite moment in breaking bad? My favorite moment was when walter white killed gustavo... BEST death in the history of television!!!! My favorite character? Jesse Pinkman.

  15. Breaking bad is a great Tv series!, the story and the drama is amazing also i think that Bryan Cranston was able performance a great in the skin of Walter White, this is my favorite scene:


  16. I've never seen this series, for my part I prefer those more entertaining series that distract me like the big ban theory, friends. and I really want to see the robot, and samanta since I have been told that it has a very interesting and entertaining plot

  17. I have not seen the series, it's one of my boyfriend's favorites, I insisted that we see it, it sounds very interesting. I overcame a loving break by watching the full season of How I Met Your Mother is a great series.


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