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Mostrando entradas de noviembre, 2018

Giving Opinions

Hello, everyone! This time, you will have the chance to give your opinion on any particular subject you deem worth writing about. Watch out! Do not to write a never-ending manifesto. Try to share your view on any topical issue in no less than 240 words .  Topical issues: Trump's wall migrant caravan Far-right in South-America Venezuela's political collapse Abortion Feminist movement Public transport Catrillanca's case surveillance technology The end of cash too much plastic You should: provide context for your argument. give examples. describe cases. give facts. cite sources. or provide any other way to sustain your argument. Check out: Remember to leave a comment on three of your classmates' posts and another one on mine as well. People’s Access to their Free Will No doubt abortion is one o

What's your favourite TV show/movie?

As we previously agreed in class, this time we will be writing about our favourite TV show(s)/ movie(s). Before you write, try to think about the following: why you like that TV show / movie (personal review) What it is about ( storyline) credits (cast/director/photography) favourite episode/scene favourite actor's line any detail you deem worth sharing. Leave comments on three of your classmates' blog posts and one on mine too. A quality post should have no less than 300 words.  The beauty of (paying attention to) simple things About two years ago, I was really depressed. I had to get over a relationship breakup, deal with shitty jobs, and sort out my MA thesis report. Ergo, I was going nowhere. I felt like a lost-and-found office deep inside -finding comfort in my friends was not really an option for me, as I was very ashamed of not being capable of solving my own problems (vicious circle), so I didn´t want to talk to anyone about my misery. The only thing

Postgraduate studies

The task assigned to us this time is writing about a postgraduate degree/different programme you would like to study in the future. In order to accomplish this mission, you should elaborate the following: reasons to do the course subjet(s) you would like to study where you would like to study (Chile or abroad) how you would like o study (distance learning, blended system, part-time course, etc) any other relevant ideas. A quality text should have no less than 220 words. And remember to leave commnets on three of your classmates' posts and your teacher's post too. Knowledge, or not knowledge,  that is the question Okay, this is gonna sound very repetitive. I'll try to be as creative as I can to rephrase the idea I've been insisting on throughout all my blog posts: I'd love to continue studying. Why? because there's no way I could continue working in this field without constantly updating my Knowledge -by Knowledge, I obviously mean someth

My future Job

Today's post will be about your career expectations. Try to answer these questions as you plan your writing: What kind of job would you like to have? How do you imagine it?  Outddoors/indoors? What about the salary? What major are you studying/are you thinking of taking? Add any other related ideas. As always, include comments on three of your classmates' posts plus a comment on mine too. Try not to write less than 210 words. Teaching while doing Uber I'm considering the possibility of furthering my studies in linguistics. Surely I must have said something about this before. Though I could continue working as I am doing it now, taking into account that I am already in a very good position, there is still/always a need to  have a much deeper understanding of how and why something works in my professional field. That is to say, you never end up completely satisfied with what you do. You always find a 'but' in the way. Do not misread me. This is n