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Postgraduate studies

The task assigned to us this time is writing about a postgraduate degree/different programme you would like to study in the future. In order to accomplish this mission, you should elaborate the following:
  • reasons to do the course
  • subjet(s) you would like to study
  • where you would like to study (Chile or abroad)
  • how you would like o study (distance learning, blended system, part-time course, etc)
  • any other relevant ideas.
A quality text should have no less than 220 words. And remember to leave commnets on three of your classmates' posts and your teacher's post too.

Knowledge, or not knowledge,  that is the question
Okay, this is gonna sound very repetitive. I'll try to be as creative as I can to rephrase the idea I've been insisting on throughout all my blog posts: I'd love to continue studying. Why? because there's no way I could continue working in this field without constantly updating my Knowledge -by Knowledge, I obviously mean something more than a personal belief based on subjective and tautological reasoning, as people -in order to avoid embarrassing everybody- usually make strong truth statements out of their personal life experiences. So I mean Knowledge with a capital letter here. Though this desired Knowledge is based on the theoretical and practical understanding of a subject after going through a validation process, it is not exempt from being false. When Googling the word 'knowledge', you will first find that [knowledge] [...] requires belief. Of course, not all beliefs constitute knowledge [...] while some of our beliefs are true, others are false. I've always had the feeling that teaching is much more than sticking to a paradigm without questioning. In other words, having a little doubt is good for preventing yourself from being dogmatic. This reminds me something I read some days ago about the economics nobel prize. Something that professor Gabriel Palma wrote on CIPER Chile when disapproving global neo-liberalism(see I can summarise his criticism, having one question in mind: how is it possible that someone's ideas can be awarded for making 50 million people poor? (see That would be like awarding someone who states that the sun revolves around the earth in the 21st century: something utterly stupid.
Well, why have I told you all this? Gabriel Palma is a Chilean professor at Cambridge university. I really want to push my limits. So you already know that I'm thinking about studying a Phd programme at that university (see I 'd love to, and I have to. I mean, What could be the next challenge? I cannot allow myself to live in confusion: Knowledge, or not Knowledge, that is the question.


  1. hi, i think that the thing you say about the question around how we conceive the knowledge are necessary to have a real learning about anything, it push to us to question about the historical context of the production of knowledge, and its is something necessary to make another question about the way we see the life

  2. I agree with your idea that it is necessary as a professional to question the contents that are taught in the university!. Whit the sentence: "knowledge, or not knowledge, that is the question" I remember William Shakespeare. Probably William Shakespeare is relative for you jajaja

  3. I think is good that you have a critic perspective about the knowledge

  4. It's a really good question teacher! Sometimes I think that live in the ignorance is easier and happier jaja

  5. I agree with Gabriel's idea because in Chile the neo-liberalism are in the education and public health even with the idea that competing improve the services, but both don't a business!

  6. I agree with your and Isabel's position. It's easier do nothing, and just look how the life pass, and stay with the ignorance. So I think that the knowledge is always necessary in our life. What's more, everything that happens to us, leads us to learn something. We just have to learn to distinguished the good things for the bad, or the real Knowledge from the false.

  7. It's really sad but also it's the true: the worst people in the world receive distinctions and are laureate while the best ideas to make a change are forgotten.

  8. For what I've seen in the university being into rigid dogmatic ideas and theories is pretty usual among people. I hope more teachers would be like you :)

  9. I'm agree with your comment about "knowledge", teacher. I can add that the knowledge can be acquired by other ways, and not only passing by the university or doing a master (yeah, I'm pissed off with university). Take care, master!! :D

  10. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  11. This reflection reminded me of the book The Structure of Kuhn's Scientific Revolutions, all science has its philosophy behind it. No truth is neutral, good reflection!

  12. I believe that the best way to face life is to incorporate new knowledge every time. Never stop the desire to continue studying, teacher! (...and about the time of this post, "It's better late than never..."

  13. the problem of Chilean education is its neoliberal market system, the idea of ​​a competitive education with the other, having a degree only for money and not for own learning or enrichment and potentiality of personal cognitive skills are not issues within of the educational system, in addition it is necessary to think as it is that in the amyoria of the educative meshes they depend on the politiocos approach, preponderant in the government and of the interests of rectors. very rarely is one with teachers, and rectors or directors interested in a quality education such as exists in more developed countries since this is the fear that an educated society with more knowledge tools is a less manipulable society, the idea knowledge is power is very true because that is why there are great differences between the educational system and malals taught in schools of privileged sectors versus less favored sectors, in a society as global today young people many educational practices find them without sense according to their own realities, they feel compelled to go to a classroom where they feel more waste the time they take advantage of the hours of their lives


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